Hey there!

It's good to see you. How are you?

I'm Sharmarke Hujale, an optimist, designer, and writer.

I'm passionate about bringing inspiration into people's lives. That's what I love to do. When we are inspired, we have a shift in perspective that opens us to a world of possibilities. And that awakens the desire to learn, the courage to persevere, and the joy of helping others.

Why subscribe?

As we navigate our ever-changing world, finding inspiration is more important than ever.

Each issue of the newsletter will bring you thought-provoking articles, impactful podcasts, and resources that have enriched my life and broadened my horizons.

Together, we will explore various themes of personal growth, creativity, and living a fulfilling life—all to spark your own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Join me in this newsletter, as I share stories, experiences, and ideas that have inspired me, from captivating videos and life-changing books to meaningful conversations with people who have touched my heart.

More from Sharmarke Hujale

Sharmarke Hujale is a hybrid professional based in Denmark. He calls himself a Creative Possibilineer. Check out his blog on design, branding, creativity, business, and mindset. You can also find him on Twitter as @morehujale. When Sharmarke Hujale is not busy with the above, he is either gaming, watching series, doing side projects, or spending time with his family and friends.

Subscribe to A Bit of Inspiration

Weekly inspiration that fuels your creativity, broadens your horizons, and explores overlooked ideas—sparking your own journey of self-discovery and transformation.


An optimist, designer, and writer who lives to inspire. You can find more about me at: www.hujale.dk/links